Today something interesting happened. Well, it began yesterday. I had a project due this morning, and I cannot begin to describe how frustrating it was to finish it last night. It was my Alice piece, the one shown just a couple posts down from this one. I had my sketch, all perfect, ready to go, and all of a sudden, I hit a wall. No, not a wall, more like a boulder the size of Australia. Unfortunately, I had to turn the piece in, unfinished, and very unsatisfied. But through the confusion and frustration, came a great understanding of what I must do to make this piece really great. Also, came the largest respect and love for the legendary artist, Mary Blair. So there you go. There is always a silver lining. Even when you have to turn in a very embarrassing work of art, if you can even call it that. I will now attempt to make Mary Blair proud. Here I go!